Aviasales (Android / Google Play)


This application is available for Android. This app is designed to find the cheapest flights over more than 700 airlines known as JetRadar as well. The latest build was released on April 24, 2017. Our latest check was performed on Oct 7th, 2016.

Findings Summary

Our examination revealed total 22 items, where were 4 DAR items and 18 DIT items found. Among DAR items were found 0 worst items, 4 bad items, 0 good items, and 0 best items. Among DIT items were found 6 worst items, 1 bad item, 11 good items, and 0 best items.

Below you find 3 infographics summarizing what we described above. Each image provides information about both DAR and DIT items.






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Everything presented below is related to well-known CWEs, such as Sensitive data leakage [CWE-200], Unsafe sensitive data storage [CWE-312], Unsafe sensitive data transmission [CWE-319]. You can read more about it here.

Now let’s go deeper and examine each data item’s protection level.


Application Description

Let’s cite the description of this application below:

Самые дешевые авиабилеты в приложении №1 в России — Aviasales! В приложении можно купить авиабилеты дешево от 728 авиакомпаний (включая авиарейсы бюджетных перевозчиков и чартеры), 100 агентств и 5 систем бронирования.
Мы ищем авиабилеты на таких сайтах, как Aerobilet, Aeroflot, Andgo.travel, Biletix, FlightNetwork, Go2See, KupiBilet, OneTwoTrip, OZON.travel, Sindbad.ru, SmartFares, SuperKassa.ru, Svyaznoy Travel, Tickets.ru, Tinkoff, Trip.ru, Tripsta.ru, Kiwi.com, а также в десятках других российских и зарубежных онлайн-авиакассах.
Наше приложение поможет найти дешевые авиабилеты на рейсы более чем 700 авиакомпаний по всему миру, среди которых Аэрофлот, UTair/Ютэйр, Orenair, S7, Победа, Уральские Авиалинии и многие другие.
Таким образом, мы совершенно бесплатно предоставляем пользователю возможность не только сравнить цены на авиабилеты и выбрать среди них самый дешевый, но и рассмотреть несколько различных вариантов перелета. Наш поиск удобен как для студентов, которые делают выбор, исходя, в первую очередь, из стоимости авиабилетов, так и для людей, которые ценят своё время и предпочитают летать с комфортом.
Функции приложения Aviasales для Android:

  • покупка авиабилетов осуществляется прямо с мобильного устройства: ищите и покупайте билеты со своего смартфона, планшета или умных часов Android Wear (таких, как Asus ZenWatch, Casio Smart Outdoor Watch, Fossil Q, Huawei Watch, LG G Watch, LG Watch Urbane, Michael Kors Access, Moto 360, Polar M600, Samsung Gear, Sony SmartWatch и Tag Heuer Connected).
  • большой выбор фильтров и вариантов сортировки позволит вам минимизировать время на поиск подходящего билета
  • для удобства сравнения стоимости авиабилетов на разные даты разработан инструмент «Календарь цен», который позволит вам выбрать наиболее выгодное предложение
  • в приложении есть «Карта цен» на случай, если вы ещё не решили, куда хотите отправиться в путешествие
  • с помощью подписок вы сможете получать push-уведомления с ценами на интересующие вас направления и даты
  • избранное и история поиска
  • поддержка разных валют
  • отправка билета друзьям или себе на почту
  • виджет, который не даст вам пропустить интересную цену на авиабилет из вашего города

Авиабилеты познаются в сравнении. Мы сравниваем — вы выбираете. Путешествие начинается, скачайте приложение Aviasales прямо сейчас!
*** Приложение от aviasales.ru позволяет найти максимально низкую стоимость билета на самолет из точки А в точку Б. Мы не продаем авиабилеты, мы ищем наилучший вариант перелета. Вы сами решаете, где купить и как оплатить билет.


Protection levels.

Locally stored data (Data-at-Rest, DAR).

Locally stored data groups include Personal ‘n’ Private Information, Visa ‘n’ Passport Information, Analytics ‘n’ Ads Information.
The average DAR value is 3.50 points (7.00 points of system protection and 0.00 points of own protection). It equals to a typical value (3.5 points, where’s 7 points of system protection and 0 points of own protection).

Items with average value 3.50 points (7 points of system protection, 0 points of own protection) means data protection levels have following definitions. Frankly talking, extra data found that shouldn’t be accessed where system protection level means – root/jailbreak is required but not possible without wiping device data, and own protection level means – stored as is.

– Personalization (‘Personal ‘n’ Private Information’ Group) – Info describes user preferences, favorites, tracked data, search requests, suggestions, etc. This data item related to mentioned group meant to be any personal and private info is not grabbed from the 3rd party social networks or your IDs,

– Passport Details (‘Visa ‘n’ Passport Information’ Group) – Full info including name, number expiration, address, gender, birthday, country, family, etc., except biometric data. This data item related to mentioned group meant to be all details are part of passport, visa or another ids,

– Device Data (‘Analytics ‘n’ Ads Information’ Group) – Device ID, Device Name, Device OS Name and Version, and jailbroken/root status. This data item related to mentioned group meant to be any info related to analytics services like Flurry, Google Analytics, etc. or advertisements,

– Credentials (Access IDs) (‘Analytics ‘n’ Ads Information’ Group) – Different tokens used to get access to your account, except for passwords but including app or 3rd party tokens, secret keys, etc. (usually don’t give full access to your account because based on permissions linked to these access tokens). This data item related to mentioned group meant to be any info related to analytics services like Flurry, Google Analytics, etc. or advertisements

Keep in mind if you’re using some Android devices such Samsung, LG or another device with an unlocked or non-locked loader that allow rooting your device without user action, the system level equals 6 points instead of 7. It means your data can be stolen without involving your actions.

Transferred data (Data-in-Transit, DIT).

Transferred data groups include Device Information, Location ‘n’ Maps Information, Travel Information, Analytics ‘n’ Ads Information, Personal ‘n’ Private Information, Booking ‘n’ Purchases Information.
The average DIT value is 3.28 points (4.00 points of system protection and 2.56 points of own protection). It is less than a typical value (4 points, where’s 4 points of system protection and 4 points of own protection).

Items’ GROUP #1 with average value 0.00 points (0 points of system protection, 0 points of own protection) means data protection levels have following definitions. Frankly talking, data ‘as is’ and easily accessed (plaintext, no protection at all) where system protection level means – transferred (or supposed to be) ‘as is’ (plaintext) due to jailbreak/root or preinstalled non-trusted firmware, certificates, etc., and own protection level means – transferred as is, perhaps protection mode turns off or doesn’t exist or info reveal eventually.

– Device Data (‘Device Information’ Group) – Device ID, Device Name, Device OS Name and Version, and jailbroken/root status. This data item related to mentioned group meant to be details about your device,

– GEO Data (‘Location ‘n’ Maps Information’ Group) – Any GEO info stored as plain text referred to the places or tracked activity. This data item related to mentioned group meant to be any geodata from trackers, social networks, GPS, etc.,

– Travel Details (‘Travel Information’ Group) – Full info about accommodation (hotel, address, contacts, room, date and time, facilities, media data), flights (routes, location, date and time, media data) or ground (routes, location, date and time, media data). This data item related to mentioned group meant to be any travel info like flight, accommodation, ground transportation, etc.,

– Media Data (‘Location ‘n’ Maps Information’ Group) – Any info like images, audios, videos, media notes, etc. This data item related to mentioned group meant to be any geodata from trackers, social networks, GPS, etc.,

– Personalization (‘Personal ‘n’ Private Information’ Group) – Info describes user preferences, favorites, tracked data, search requests, suggestions, etc. This data item related to mentioned group meant to be any personal and private info is not grabbed from the 3rd party social networks or your IDs,

– Address Data (‘Location ‘n’ Maps Information’ Group) – Home, work or another type of owner address stored by apps. This data item related to mentioned group meant to be any geodata from trackers, social networks, GPS, etc.

Items’ GROUP #2 with average value 5.00 points (6 points of system protection, 4 points of own protection) means data protection levels have following definitions. Frankly talking, data is not available all the time or partially accessed where system protection level means – MITM prevented or fake certificate importing prevented, but plaintext non-protected traffic is intercepted, and own protection level means – bypassed by fake/stolen root certificates.

– Credentials (Tokens) (‘Analytics ‘n’ Ads Information’ Group) – Different tokens used to get access to your account, except for passwords but including app or 3rd party tokens, secret keys, etc. (usually give full access to your account). This data item related to mentioned group meant to be any info related to analytics services like Flurry, Google Analytics, etc. or advertisements,

– Device Data (‘Analytics ‘n’ Ads Information’ Group) – Device ID, Device Name, Device OS Name and Version, and jailbroken/root status. This data item related to mentioned group meant to be any info related to analytics services like Flurry, Google Analytics, etc. or advertisements,

– Environment (‘Analytics ‘n’ Ads Information’ Group) – Different info about the environment of the device including apps lists, device info, OS name and versions, updates, a list of users, network details, etc. This data item related to mentioned group meant to be any info related to analytics services like Flurry, Google Analytics, etc. or advertisements,

– Device Details (‘Analytics ‘n’ Ads Information’ Group) – Includes basic device details plus hardware key and fingerprints as well as IMEI. This data item related to mentioned group meant to be any info related to analytics services like Flurry, Google Analytics, etc. or advertisements,

– GEO Data (‘Analytics ‘n’ Ads Information’ Group) – Any GEO info stored as plain text referred to the places or tracked activity. This data item related to mentioned group meant to be any info related to analytics services like Flurry, Google Analytics, etc. or advertisements,

– Travel Data (‘Analytics ‘n’ Ads Information’ Group) – Some info about accommodation, flight or ground routes. This data item related to mentioned group meant to be any info related to analytics services like Flurry, Google Analytics, etc. or advertisements,

– Passport Details (‘Booking ‘n’ Purchases Information’ Group) – Full info including name, number expiration, address, gender, birthday, country, family, etc., except biometric data. This data item related to mentioned group meant to be any info related to your booking and purchases like travel, app or another kind of purchases,

– Card Full Information (‘Booking ‘n’ Purchases Information’ Group) – All details about card include short info, holder address, bank info and CVC, CVV, CVV2. This data item related to mentioned group meant to be any info related to your booking and purchases like travel, app or another kind of purchases,

– Session Details (‘Booking ‘n’ Purchases Information’ Group) – Typical logged session data like connection activity, transferred data, perhaps credentials IDs, rarely access IDs, tokens or passwords. This data item related to mentioned group meant to be any info related to your booking and purchases like travel, app or another kind of purchases,

– Orders & Reservation Details (‘Travel Information’ Group) – Full info about orders, reservations, like ID, date and time, amount of payment, flight routes, hotel or another order details, rules, linked data. This data item related to mentioned group meant to be any travel info like flight, accommodation, ground transportation, etc.,

– Orders & Reservation History (‘Travel Information’ Group) – Basic info about orders, reservations, like ID, date and time, amount of payment, and place (depends on apps). This data item related to mentioned group meant to be any travel info like flight, accommodation, ground transportation, etc.

Items’ GROUP #3 with average value 4.00 points (6 points of system protection, 2 points of own protection) means data protection levels have following definitions. Frankly talking, data available if it’s allowed only and may require user action where system protection level means – MITM prevented or fake certificate importing prevented, but plaintext non-protected traffic is intercepted, and own protection level means – no MITM protection at all, bypassed without root fake/stolen certificates, or SSL strip.

– Tracked Data ‘n’ Favorites (‘Travel Information’ Group) – Any favorites data or tracked data marked as desirable by users and for users (Means, user is on FB messenger, Viber, bank client or favourite hotel, room type, flight route, airline). This data item related to mentioned group meant to be any travel info like flight, accommodation, ground transportation, etc.

Keep in mind if you’re using out-of-date Android < 7.0, the system level equals 4 points instead of 6. It means your data can be stolen with a crafted preinstalled certificate on the device or if someone makes you install a certificate. Also, if you’re using out-of-date Android < 5.0, the system level equals 2 points instead of 4. It means your data can be stolen without involving your actions.

Privacy Policy

Full application privacy policy is available here.

This app is designed to as all-in-one travel app for booking and ordering flights, hotels and cars.