Our Apps

To support our followers, we develop mobile apps to provide access to our database.

At the moment we provide a demo version for Android OS and support many devices up to the newest OS 8+. To download the application, follow this link [portrait]. To install this application, you have to enable feature ‘install apps from untrusted sources’ in settings. Note, the app takes a time for the first time start, after that, all data will be cached to boot a start. Samsung devices with a Knox is not supported at the moment, as well as devices with never activated a developer mode (turned on or off are supported).

If you download via browser, have enabled ‘untrusted installing’ feature but still can’t install/open the app, try a file browser to open the .apk file and look for ‘download folder’. This is not an issue of our app, this might be an issue of a browser.

Below you may find screenshots of Android application


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Soon in markets (expecting until this year’s end)

If someone wants to test our iOS app, please contact us (iOS 11+ supported). Also, you need installed iTunes 12.6.x for Windows or Mac (not older, since 12.7 Apple removed a section ‘Apps’, so you can’t install our app via newest iTunes). iTunes for Windows you can download here, or for Mac – here.  Both files are zipped.